LCD Screen for iPad 3 4
LCD Screen for iPad 3 4
  • SKU: APL-001-0504

LCD Screen for iPad 3 4

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LCD Screen for iPad 3 and 4

The liquid crystal display screen is a very sensitive component in your Apple iPad 3 and 4. If your iPad 3 or 4 got an accidental drop, the liquid crystal display screen is also broken. After you notice blurred lines or spots on the liquid crystal display screen, you must take into account replacing a brand new one for better image viewing. Its assembling desires technical skills. Careless assembling would harm the replacement part. If you don’t know how to try and do, you may go to the skilled for help. The liquid crystal display screen at PhonePartsUSA is an original equipment manufacturer replacement part for your iPad 3 and 4. Its size entirely fits for your iPad 3 and 4. The superior quality will guarantee its longevity.

Model # Compatible with: A1403, A1416, A1430, A1458, A1459, A1460



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