Apple iPhone 12 Replacement Parts

Apple iPhone 12 Replacement Parts

APEX Incell LCD and Touch Screen for iPhone 12/12 Pro - (APEX)


ZeroCycle Battery for iPhone 12 / iPhone 12 Pro 2815mAH Li-Ion Premium


Back Camera Lens With Bracket for iPhone 12 / 12 Mini (Black) (OEM Refurbished)


Bluetooth Flex Cable for iPhone 12


Charging Port Flex Cable for iPhone 12 / 12 Pro (Graphite) (Premium)


Charging Port Flex Cable for iPhone 12 / 12 Pro (Silver) (Premium)


Earpiece Speaker for iPhone 12


Earpiece Speaker With Proximity Sensor Cable for iPhone 12 (Warning: Soldering Required for Face ID Functionality)


Front Camera for iPhone 12 / 12 Pro


Loud Speaker for iPhone 12 / iPhone 12 Pro


Power / Volume Flex Cable for iPhone 12


Single Proximity Light Sensor Flex Cable for iPhone 12


Vibrator for iPhone 12


Wifi Flex Cable for iPhone 12


Wireless NFC Charging Flex With Volume Flex for iPhone 12

Looking for a high-quality iPhone 12 screen, battery, or charging port? Look no further than PhonePartPro. We offer only the best replacement parts for your iPhone 12, so you can rest assured that you're getting top-notch quality.

Whether you need a new screen because you cracked yours, or a replacement battery because your old one isn't holding a charge like it used to, we've got you covered. And if your charging port is giving you trouble, we can replace that too.

We know how important your iPhone is to you, so we'll make sure your repair is done quickly and correctly. Plus, our prices are always competitive, so you can get the best value for your money.

So don't wait any longer, head over to PhonePartPro and get your iPhone 12 repair today!

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